3 Stupid Simple Hacks to (Finally) Get Better Sleep at Night

3 Simple Hacks to (Finally) Get Better Sleep at Night!

Everyone is looking for ways to get better sleep, yet it seems like people are more tired than ever! With all the demands of work, school, kids, your spouse, that event you said you’d host but are now starting to regret volunteering… it’s no wonder we’re all exhausted, yet can’t seem to sleep at all. Understanding better sleep hygiene and how to support your body for a better bedtime routine will not only help you sleep better at night, but also take on each day with fresh and renewed energy! 

And the best part? You can easily start sleeping better by just implementing a few (stupidly) simple tips to finally get better sleep!

Let’s break down the 3 tips that will help you get the rest you deserve! These include:

  1. Get sun in your bare eyes
  2. Move your body
  3. Eat a bedtime snack

If you already know these tips, then use this as your reminder to make these tips your daily habit! If you want to learn more about why these things are important for sleep and how to live healthier, then keep reading, my friend!

Let’s get started!

1. Get Morning Sunshine in Your Bare Eyes!

Did you know your bedtime routine begins the moment you wake up?

That’s right! 

How you start your morning will determine your sleep results at night.

*mind blown*

Instead of reaching for your phone the second you open your eyes (those work emails can wait, I promise!) start your morning by standing outside and let your eyes soak up the healthy, low-UV rays from the morning sunrise*. 

Before looking at a screen, or putting on glasses or contact lenses, let your bare eyes soak in those comforting rays! 

(If you are driving on an early morning commute, roll down your window so you can get those maximum benefits on the go!)

Sunlight helps your body create its own vitamin D and melatonin which gently sets your system up for the day. This all-natural red light therapy will stabilize your circadian rhythm, reduce stress in your body, and help you relax much easier at night. 

Do this every morning to get optimal results within a few short weeks!

*NOTE: We are NOT suggesting you stare directly at the sun! Please don’t do that. 

PRO TIP: If you cannot get sunshine in the mornings, then at least reduce your blue light exposure by putting on blue-blocking glasses first thing in the morning. (I know you want to check that phone of yours!) 

Blue light instantly puts your body on “high alert” and increases your stress levels.

(high stress = poor sleep. We don’t want that!) 

 Blue-blocking glasses are an easy way to keep your blue light exposure low and reduce the cortisol spikes that come from staring at a screen. Put them on right when you wake up to avoid blue light as much as you can each morning.

2. Move Your Body

I can hear you rolling your eyes.

Remember, these are stupid simple hacks for better sleep; we aren’t reinventing the wheel, here! Even something as simple as daily movement is critical if you’re desperate for better sleep. 

You don’t have to do anything fancy or time-consuming, especially if you are a busy parent or work odd hours throughout the day. Simply aim for at least 10 minutes of steady walking.

Just 10 minutes. I think you can definitely do that!

 Brisk jogs or longer workouts are okay, too, for daily movement, but if this is your first time trying to create better sleep and health habits, then walking will be your best friend! Why? Because it’s so stinkin’ easy to incorporate!

Here are a few examples:

  • If you sit at a desk all day, stand up and go walk around your building or walk the stairs. 
  • If you are a stay at home mom, take the kids outside and walk the neighborhood. 
  • If you cannot get outside (or live in an apartment or place that doesn’t have a walkable area) then invest in a simple walking pad like this one and walk a few minutes to your favorite TV show, audiobook, or podcast.
  • Take a 10 minute walk after you eat. Not only are you getting your steps, but you are supporting better digestion which will help you sleep easier at night!

Steady movement throughout the day will support lymphatic drainage and get your blood flowing. This allows your body to balance hormones, reduce cortisol in your system, and, thus, promote better sleep! 

So what are you waiting for? Grab your sneakers and get to walking!

3. Eat a Bedtime Snack

Are you shocked to hear someone suggest that you actually eat right before bed? Look, before you stress about calories, blood sugar spikes, slow digestion, etc., listen closely…

When you strategically plan to eat a bedtime snack that’s meant to help you sleep better, you’ll have far better results than blindly reaching for a Snickers bar or bag of tortilla chips with queso and salsa.

(No hate on the salsa & queso… who doesn’t love Mexican food??)

The key to a bedtime snack is to eat something light, filling, and will help you stay sound asleep. If you keep waking up at 3 am (when your blood sugar and cortisol tend to spike), you want a snack that will keep these spikes under control during that time so you can stay sound asleep and cozy all night long.

You want to focus on protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Carbs are okay, but we want to make sure there’s a balance! Again, we don’t want to keep waking up at 3 am every single night.

Easy snacks for bedtime include: almonds, Greek yogurt, bananas, dark cherries, cottage cheese, dark chocolate, seeded/sprouted breads, etc. 

You can get creative and create a snack that’s tasty and nourishes your body (even while you sleep)!

If you want 3 easy bedtime snacks for better sleep, check out our simple recipe list here!

You can start using these 3 easy hacks right away to finally get some better sleep at night!

To recap:

  • Get some sunshine
  • Walk for 10 minutes each day
  • Eat a blood sugar-friendly bedtime snack

Simple, huh?

Told ya so!

By implementing these 3 easy hacks for better sleep, you’ll soon start finding yourself getting more relaxed at night and staying asleep longer each time!

You will finally regain control of your circadian rhythm, create a better nighttime routine, and feel much more relaxed the moment your head hits the pillow!

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